libk  Check-in [f85e6a07dd]

Comment:reorganize posix assembly code
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SHA3-256: f85e6a07dd2dc8d917fc927dde153fdbc8a93c0085390a5f81d67b5c9bb610aa
User & Date: lexi on 2019-08-20 22:54:49
Other Links: manifest | tags
switch ansi "bold off" code to "reset" for terminals that interpret "bold off" as "double underline"; remove (incorrect) test code from kiosend check-in: cef83f0167 user: lexi tags: trunk
reorganize posix assembly code check-in: f85e6a07dd user: lexi tags: trunk
improve syscall collection mechanism check-in: 9dd8bab2ac user: lexi tags: trunk

Deleted arch/posix.h version [676bf37092].

     1         -/* arch/posix.h - posix constants
     2         - *  ? this file defines posix magic numbers
     3         - *    needed in syscalls, both cross-platform
     4         - *    ones and os-dependent ones. note that
     5         - *    the values may change depending on the
     6         - *    OS specified! */
     7         -
     8         -#ifndef KIplatform_posix
     9         -#define KIplatform_posix
    10         -#include <k/def.h>
    11         -#include <k/type.h>
    12         -
    13         -#if (!defined(KFplatform_define_constants)) && \
    14         -    (!defined(KFplatform_define_types)) && \
    15         -    (!defined(KFplatform_define_funcs))
    16         -#define KFplatform_define_constants
    17         -#define KFplatform_define_types
    18         -#define KFplatform_define_funcs
    19         -#endif
    20         -
    21         -#ifdef KFplatform_define_constants
    22         -
    23         -enum posix_prot {
    24         -	posix_prot_none  = 0,
    25         -	posix_prot_read  = 1 << 0,
    26         -	posix_prot_write = 1 << 1,
    27         -	posix_prot_exec  = 1 << 2
    28         -};
    29         -
    30         -enum posix_map {
    31         -	posix_map_shared  = 1,
    32         -	posix_map_private = 2
    33         -};
    34         -
    35         -enum posix_flag {
    36         -	posix_flag_fixed     = 0x10,
    37         -#if KVos == KA_os_lin
    38         -	posix_flag_anonymous = 0x20,
    39         -#elif KVos == KA_os_fbsd
    40         -	posix_flag_anonymous = 0x1000,
    41         -#endif
    42         -
    43         -	/* platform flags */
    44         -	posix_flag_linux_hugetlb = 0x40000
    45         -};
    46         -
    47         -#endif
    48         -#ifdef KFplatform_define_types
    49         -
    50         -/* platform types */
    51         -
    52         -typedef s64 k_platform_syscall_return;
    53         -typedef u64 k_platform_syscall_error;
    54         -
    55         -#if KVos == KA_os_lin
    56         -	typedef long k_platform_syscall_arg;
    57         -#elif KVos == KA_os_fbsd
    58         -	typedef u64  k_platform_syscall_arg;
    59         -#else
    60         -	/* we're going to just pick a sane
    61         -	 * fallback that's reasonably likely
    62         -	 * to work with most systems one way
    63         -	 * or another */
    64         -	typedef unsigned long long k_platform_syscall_arg;
    65         -#endif
    66         -
    67         -struct k_platform_syscall_answer {
    68         -	k_platform_syscall_return ret;
    69         -	k_platform_syscall_error error;
    70         -};
    71         -
    72         -#endif
    73         -
    74         -#if defined(KFplatform_define_constants) ||\
    75         -    defined(KFplatform_define_funcs)
    76         -#		include <system_calls.h>
    77         -#endif
    78         -
    79         -#ifdef KFplatform_define_funcs
    80         -
    81         -extern struct k_platform_syscall_answer
    82         -k_platform_syscall(enum k_platform_syscall call, u8 valency, 
    83         -		k_platform_syscall_arg args[]);
    84         -
    85         -#endif
    86         -
    87         -#endif

Added arch/posix/posix.h version [676bf37092].

            1  +/* arch/posix.h - posix constants
            2  + *  ? this file defines posix magic numbers
            3  + *    needed in syscalls, both cross-platform
            4  + *    ones and os-dependent ones. note that
            5  + *    the values may change depending on the
            6  + *    OS specified! */
            7  +
            8  +#ifndef KIplatform_posix
            9  +#define KIplatform_posix
           10  +#include <k/def.h>
           11  +#include <k/type.h>
           12  +
           13  +#if (!defined(KFplatform_define_constants)) && \
           14  +    (!defined(KFplatform_define_types)) && \
           15  +    (!defined(KFplatform_define_funcs))
           16  +#define KFplatform_define_constants
           17  +#define KFplatform_define_types
           18  +#define KFplatform_define_funcs
           19  +#endif
           20  +
           21  +#ifdef KFplatform_define_constants
           22  +
           23  +enum posix_prot {
           24  +	posix_prot_none  = 0,
           25  +	posix_prot_read  = 1 << 0,
           26  +	posix_prot_write = 1 << 1,
           27  +	posix_prot_exec  = 1 << 2
           28  +};
           29  +
           30  +enum posix_map {
           31  +	posix_map_shared  = 1,
           32  +	posix_map_private = 2
           33  +};
           34  +
           35  +enum posix_flag {
           36  +	posix_flag_fixed     = 0x10,
           37  +#if KVos == KA_os_lin
           38  +	posix_flag_anonymous = 0x20,
           39  +#elif KVos == KA_os_fbsd
           40  +	posix_flag_anonymous = 0x1000,
           41  +#endif
           42  +
           43  +	/* platform flags */
           44  +	posix_flag_linux_hugetlb = 0x40000
           45  +};
           46  +
           47  +#endif
           48  +#ifdef KFplatform_define_types
           49  +
           50  +/* platform types */
           51  +
           52  +typedef s64 k_platform_syscall_return;
           53  +typedef u64 k_platform_syscall_error;
           54  +
           55  +#if KVos == KA_os_lin
           56  +	typedef long k_platform_syscall_arg;
           57  +#elif KVos == KA_os_fbsd
           58  +	typedef u64  k_platform_syscall_arg;
           59  +#else
           60  +	/* we're going to just pick a sane
           61  +	 * fallback that's reasonably likely
           62  +	 * to work with most systems one way
           63  +	 * or another */
           64  +	typedef unsigned long long k_platform_syscall_arg;
           65  +#endif
           66  +
           67  +struct k_platform_syscall_answer {
           68  +	k_platform_syscall_return ret;
           69  +	k_platform_syscall_error error;
           70  +};
           71  +
           72  +#endif
           73  +
           74  +#if defined(KFplatform_define_constants) ||\
           75  +    defined(KFplatform_define_funcs)
           76  +#		include <system_calls.h>
           77  +#endif
           78  +
           79  +#ifdef KFplatform_define_funcs
           80  +
           81  +extern struct k_platform_syscall_answer
           82  +k_platform_syscall(enum k_platform_syscall call, u8 valency, 
           83  +		k_platform_syscall_arg args[]);
           84  +
           85  +#endif
           86  +
           87  +#endif

Added arch/posix/syscalls version [24a70b57fd].

            1  +exit
            2  +read
            3  +write
            4  +mmap
            5  +munmap

Added arch/posix/x86.fbsd.32.s version [fb0cced6da].

            1  +;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
            2  +; vim: ft=nasm
            3  +
            4  +; syscall numbers - syscall table must be created first!
            5  +%include "system_calls.s"
            6  +
            7  +; extremely stupid freebsd-ism: expects the syscall to
            8  +; come from a function
            9  +_syscall: int 0x80
           10  +          ret
           11  +
           12  +%define call _syscall
           13  +
           14  +; parameters are passed on the stack
           15  +%macro syscall 1-*
           16  +	mov eax, %1
           17  +	%rep %0-1
           18  +		%rotate 1
           19  +		push %1
           20  +	%endrep
           21  +
           22  +	add esp, 4*(%0-1)
           23  +%endmacro

Added arch/posix/x86.fbsd.64.s version [8f1b903740].

            1  +;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
            2  +; vim: ft=nasm
            3  +
            4  +; syscall numbers - syscall table must be created first!
            5  +%include "system_calls.s"
            6  +
            7  +; freebsd uses the common x86-64 ABI
            8  +%include "x86.syscall.64.s"

Added arch/posix/x86.lin.32.s version [30df0fa7c9].

            1  +; register order for syscall convention
            2  +%define sys.reg.n 6
            3  +%define sys.reg.ret eax
            4  +%define sys.reg.0 eax
            5  +%define sys.reg.1 ebx
            6  +%define sys.reg.2 ecx
            7  +%define sys.reg.3 edx
            8  +%define sys.reg.4 esi
            9  +%define sys.reg.5 edi
           10  +
           11  +%define int 0x80

Added arch/posix/x86.lin.64.s version [58546ff139].

            1  +;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
            2  +; vim: ft=nasm
            3  +
            4  +; syscall64 numbers - syscall table must be created first!
            5  +%include "system_calls.s"
            6  +
            7  +; linux uses the common x86-64 ABI
            8  +%include "../x86.syscall.64.s"
            9  +

Deleted arch/x86.fbsd.32.s version [fb0cced6da].

     1         -;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
     2         -; vim: ft=nasm
     3         -
     4         -; syscall numbers - syscall table must be created first!
     5         -%include "system_calls.s"
     6         -
     7         -; extremely stupid freebsd-ism: expects the syscall to
     8         -; come from a function
     9         -_syscall: int 0x80
    10         -          ret
    11         -
    12         -%define call _syscall
    13         -
    14         -; parameters are passed on the stack
    15         -%macro syscall 1-*
    16         -	mov eax, %1
    17         -	%rep %0-1
    18         -		%rotate 1
    19         -		push %1
    20         -	%endrep
    21         -
    22         -	add esp, 4*(%0-1)
    23         -%endmacro

Deleted arch/x86.fbsd.64.s version [8f1b903740].

     1         -;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
     2         -; vim: ft=nasm
     3         -
     4         -; syscall numbers - syscall table must be created first!
     5         -%include "system_calls.s"
     6         -
     7         -; freebsd uses the common x86-64 ABI
     8         -%include "x86.syscall.64.s"

Deleted arch/x86.lin.32.s version [30df0fa7c9].

     1         -; register order for syscall convention
     2         -%define sys.reg.n 6
     3         -%define sys.reg.ret eax
     4         -%define sys.reg.0 eax
     5         -%define sys.reg.1 ebx
     6         -%define sys.reg.2 ecx
     7         -%define sys.reg.3 edx
     8         -%define sys.reg.4 esi
     9         -%define sys.reg.5 edi
    10         -
    11         -%define int 0x80

Deleted arch/x86.lin.64.s version [a477b8d971].

     1         -;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
     2         -; vim: ft=nasm
     3         -
     4         -; syscall64 numbers - syscall table must be created first!
     5         -%include "system_calls.s"
     6         -
     7         -; linux uses the common x86-64 ABI
     8         -%include "x86.syscall.64.s"
     9         -

Modified from [5f22a34160] to [520c125701].

   187    187   mkdir -p $gen
   188    188   $cc -D_emit_m4_include arch/typesize.c -o $gen/typesize 
   189    189   $gen/typesize > gen/typesize.m
   190    190   
   191    191   # generate syscall tables
   192    192   if test $posix = yes; then
   193    193   	# on posix, we simply abuse CPP to garner a list of syscalls;
   194         -	# the file arch/posix_syscalls contains a list of syscalls
          194  +	# the file arch/posix/syscalls contains a list of syscalls
   195    195   	# we wish to import; we use sed to transform this into a form
   196    196   	# that cpp will fill out for us, producing a table that the
   197    197   	# awk scripts can handle and turn into a list of constants.
   198    198   	echo '#include <sys/syscall.h>' > $gen/system_calls.t.1 # this is the magic part
   199         -	cat arch/posix_syscalls > $gen/system_calls.t.2
          199  +	cat arch/posix/syscalls > $gen/system_calls.t.2
   200    200   	sed -e 's;^\(.*\)$;\1 SYS_\1;' -i $gen/system_calls.t.2
   201    201   	cat $gen/system_calls.t.1 $gen/system_calls.t.2 | cpp -P >$gen/system_calls.tbl
   202    202   else
   203    203   	case $os in
   204    204   		# lin) grep -h "#define __NR_" $p_headers_syscall | sed 's;^#define __NR_;;' > $gen/system_calls.tbl;;
   205    205   		# fbsd) grep -h "#define	SYS_" $p_headers_syscall | sed 's;^#define	SYS_;;' | sed 's;[\t ]\+; ;' > $gen/system_calls.tbl;;
   206    206   		*) noimpl 'system call table generation';;

Modified kcore/boot.rt.x86.lin.64.s from [22c891476d] to [c4c48f7422].

     1      1   ; vim: ft=nasm
     2      2   bits 64
     3         -%include "../arch/x86.lin.64.s"
            3  +%include "../arch/posix/x86.lin.64.s"
     4      4   global _start:function
     5      5   extern _boot
     6      6   extern entry
     7      7   
     8      8   _start:
     9      9   	mov rbp, rsp
    10     10   	mov rdi, [rbp + 0] ; argc

Modified kcore/platform.syscall.fn.c from [4315e80d93] to [9c61e189e0].

     7      7    * implementation may vary drastically.
     8      8    */
     9      9   
    10     10   #include <k/def.h>
    11     11   #include <k/type.h>
    12     12   
    13     13   #ifdef KFenv_posix
    14         -#	include <posix.h>
           14  +#	include <posix/posix.h>
    15     15   #else
    16     16   	Knoimpl(k_platform_syscall)
    17     17   #endif
    18     18   
    19     19   extern void k_platform_syscall_raw (
    20     20   		k_platform_syscall_return* return_slot,
    21     21   		k_platform_syscall_error*  error_no_slot,

Modified kcore/stop.fn.c from [092afab243] to [1f91f150ef].

     5      5   
     6      6   #include <k/core.h>
     7      7   #include <k/def.h> // so we know what system this is
     8      8   #include <k/type.h>
     9      9   #ifdef KFenv_posix
    10     10   #	define KFplatform_define_types
    11     11   #	define KFplatform_define_constants
    12         -#	include <posix.h>
           12  +#	include <posix/posix.h>
    13     13   #endif
    14     14   
           15  +/* this manual redefinition is necessary to stop gcc
           16  + * bitching that kstop returns, which it def does not */
    15     17   noreturn extern struct k_platform_syscall_answer
    16     18   k_platform_syscall(enum k_platform_syscall call, u8 valency, 
    17     19   		k_platform_syscall_arg args[]);
    18     20   
    19     21   noreturn void kstop(stat_long code) {
    20     22   #	ifdef KFenv_posix
    21     23   		k_platform_syscall_arg exit_code[] = { code };
    22     24   		k_platform_syscall(k_platform_syscall_exit, 1, exit_code);
    23     25   #	else
    24     26   		Knoimpl(kstop)
    25     27   #	endif
    26     28   }
    27     29   

Modified kcore/syscall.fn.x86.lin.64.s from [27d79c3e63] to [472ad3a7d3].

     7      7   ; altogether and access the error value of a
     8      8   ; syscall directly. invoke as:
     9      9   ;
    10     10   ; 	void k_platform_syscall_raw(s64* result, u64* errno,
    11     11   ;		syscall, u8 valency, s64[] args)
    12     12   
    13     13   bits 64
    14         -%include "../arch/x86.lin.64.s"
           14  +%include "../arch/posix/x86.lin.64.s"
    15     15   %include "../arch/x86.cdecl.64.s"
    16     16   ; vim: ft=nasm
    17     17   
    18     18   %macro handle_arg 1
    19     19   	%assign v %1+1
    20     20   	mov sys.reg. %+ v, [ccall.reg.4 + 8 * %1]
    21     21   	dec ccall.reg.3

Modified kio/send.fn.c from [f571b39492] to [3d6d32a7c0].

     6      6    * kiosend() writes to a channel with an open out stream
     7      7    */
     8      8   
     9      9   /* we define all platform functions here,
    10     10    * whether or not they're for the correct
    11     11    * platform - only the ones actually called
    12     12    * by the generated code will be linked */
    13         -#include <posix.h>
           13  +#include <posix/posix.h>
    14     14   #include <error_table.h>
    15     15   
    16     16   kiocond kiosend(kiochan target, ksraw string, sz* len) {
    17     17   	if (target.out.kind == kiostream_closed) return kiocond_fail_closed_stream;
    18     18   
    19     19   #	ifdef KFenv_posix
    20     20   		/* issue the write syscall here and now so we can

Modified kmem/heapa.fn.c from [8818444ab8] to [641176b71f].

     1      1   #include <k/mem.h>
     2      2   #include <k/core.h>
     3      3   #include <k/def.h>
     4      4   #include <k/type.h>
     5         -#include <posix.h>
     6      5   /* heapa.c - kmheapa() "heap alloc"
     7      6    * ~ lexi hale <>
     8      7    * kmheapa() allocates a pointer on the heap à la libc malloc()
     9      8    * see also: kmheapf() "heap free"
    10      9    */
    11     10   
    12         -/* we define all platform functions here,
    13         - * whether or not they're for the correct
    14         - * platform - only the ones actually called
    15         - * by the generated code will be linked,
    16         - * linker errors are our friend here! */
           11  +/* arch specific headers */
           12  +#ifdef KFenv_posix
           13  +#	include <posix/posix.h>
           14  +#endif
           15  +
           16  +/* we define all our platform functions here, whether or not
           17  + * they're for the correct platform - only the ones that are
           18  + * called by the preprocessed form of the code will actually
           19  + * be linked, linker errors are our friend here! */
    17     20   extern void* kmem_platform_mmap(void* addr,
    18     21   		unsigned long sz, unsigned long prot, unsigned long flags,
    19     22   		unsigned long fd, unsigned long off);
    20     23   
    21     24   void* kmheapa(sz len) {
    22     25   	/* allocate an object on the heap and return
    23     26   	 * a pointer, or NULL if the allocation failed. */
    24     27   	union {
    25     28   		void* raw;
    26     29   		ubyte* byte;
    27     30   		kmbox* header;
    28     31   	} region;
    29         -	/* we need to allocate space for the header and
    30         -	 * for the actual object */
           32  +	/* we need to allocate space for the
           33  +	 * header and for the actual object */
    31     34   	sz region_size = sizeof(kmbox) + len;
    32     35   
    33     36   #	ifdef KFenv_posix
    34         - 	   /* posix APIs - we've got it easy. currently for nonlinear
    35         -		* heap allocation kmheapa simply uses m(un)map and lets the 
    36         -		* kernel worry about it. it may ultimately be worth replacing
    37         -		* this with a more sophisticated implementation, most likely
    38         -		* an existing allocator like jemalloc, though i'm wary of
    39         -		* including outside code - it creates a licensing mess and
    40         -		* i'd prefer libk to be AGPLv3 across the board. possibility:
    41         -		* include hooks for multiple allocators, allowing the user
    42         -		* to select & link in her preferred allocator at compile time? */
           37  +		/* posix  APIs  - we've  got  it  easy. currently  for
           38  +		 * nonlinear  heap  allocation   kmheapa  simply  uses
           39  +		 * m(un)map  and lets  the kernel  worry about  it. it
           40  +		 * may  ultimately  be  worth replacing  this  with  a
           41  +		 * more sophisticated  implementation, most  likely an
           42  +		 * existing allocator  like jemalloc, though  i'm wary
           43  +		 * of including outside code  - it creates a licensing
           44  +		 * mess and  i'd prefer libk  to be AGPLv3  across the
           45  +		 * board.  possibility:  include  hooks  for  multiple
           46  +		 * allocators, allowing  the user to select  & link in
           47  +		 * her preferred allocator at compile time? */
    43     48   
    44     49   		/* because munmap needs to be informed of the size of
    45         -		 * the region it is going to unmap, we need to store
    46         -		 * that information in the allocated region itself.
    47         -		 * the user will be given a pointer that can be
    48         -		 * adjusted to point a field of type size_t that
    49         -		 * contains the size of the allocate space.*/
           50  +		 * the region we are going to unmap, we need to store
           51  +		 * that information in the region that we are mapping.
           52  +		 * the user will receive an adjusted pointer that can
           53  +		 * be adjusted to point a field of type size_t that
           54  +		 * contains the size of the allocated space.*/
    50     55   
    51     56   		region.byte = kmem_platform_mmap(null, region_size,
    52     57   				posix_prot_read | posix_prot_write,
    53     58   				posix_flag_anonymous | posix_map_shared, -1, 0);
    54     59   		/* impl note: while per manpage fd is "ignored"
    55     60   		 * for MAP_ANONYMOUS, "some implementations" require
    56     61   		 * a value of -1 */

Modified kmem/heapf.fn.c from [6a14dc9781] to [3d67513f54].

     1      1   #include <k/mem.h>
     2      2   #include <k/core.h>
     3      3   #include <k/def.h>
     4      4   #include <k/type.h>
     5         -#include <posix.h>
     6      5   /* heapf.c - kmheapf() "heap free"
     7      6    * ~ lexi hale <>
     8      7    * kmheapf() frees a region on the heap à la libc free()
     9      8    * see also: kmheapa() "heap alloc"
    10      9    */
    11     10   
    12         -/* we define all platform functions here,
    13         - * whether or not they're for the correct
    14         - * platform - only the ones actually called
    15         - * by the generated code will be linked,
    16         - * linker errors are our friend here! */
           11  +/* arch specific headers */
           12  +#ifdef KFenv_posix
           13  +#	include <posix/posix.h>
           14  +#endif
           15  +
           16  +/* we define all our platform functions here, whether or not
           17  + * they're for the correct platform - only the ones that are
           18  + * called by the preprocessed form of the code will actually
           19  + * be linked, linker errors are our friend here! */
    17     20   extern int kmem_platform_munmap(void* addr, unsigned long sz);
    18     21   
    19     22   kmcond kmheapf(void* ptr) {
    20     23   	/* take an object allocated on the heap and free it,
    21     24   	 * returning kmcond_ok on success or an appropriate
    22     25   	 * value on failure. */
    23     26   	struct kmbox* header = (kmbox*)
    34     37   		if(kmem_platform_munmap(header, total) == -1) {
    35     38   			/* we don't need to bother recovering errno;
    36     39   			 * there's only one possible munmap error */
    37     40   			return kmcond_bad_address;
    38     41   		}
    39     42   
    40     43   #	else
    41         -		Knoimpl(kmheapa,KVos);
           44  +		Knoimpl(kmheapf,KVos);
    42     45   #		error missing implementation
    43     46   #	endif
    44     47   	return kmcond_ok;
    45     48   }

Modified kmem/platform.mmap.fn.x86.lin.64.s from [ceb93a428c] to [a05b3cdd12].

     1      1   bits 64
     2         -%include "../arch/x86.lin.64.s"
            2  +%include "../arch/posix/x86.lin.64.s"
     3      3   %include "../arch/x86.cdecl.64.s"
     4      4   ; vim: ft=nasm
     5      5   
     6      6   global kmem_platform_mmap
     7      7   kmem_platform_mmap:
     8      8   	; to call mmap, we need to translate the cdecl64
     9      9   	; register arguments to their appropriate syscall64

Modified kmem/platform.munmap.fn.x86.lin.64.s from [6d9c3d5edf] to [7b471fc276].

     1      1   bits 64
     2         -%include "../arch/x86.lin.64.s"
            2  +%include "../arch/posix/x86.lin.64.s"
     3      3   %include "../arch/x86.cdecl.64.s"
     4      4   ; vim: ft=nasm
     5      5   
     6      6   global kmem_platform_munmap
     7      7   kmem_platform_munmap:
     8      8   	; to call munmap, we need to translate the cdecl64
     9      9   	; register arguments to their appropriate syscall64