libk  Check-in [bdc1191d6f]

Comment:Add a err.c for every module, and compile them all in. This fixes the build of the shared library version, as there are no more undefined symbols. `kexplain` likely will still not work, but it didn't work in the first place.
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SHA3-256: bdc1191d6f11c04954d1c9ff537c91c033becf0bc0cfd3ae9fea4a3595ea1732
User & Date: glowpelt on 2020-01-22 00:58:29
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
Merge the shared library build fixes into trunk check-in: d49a706cc4 user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Add a err.c for every module, and compile them all in. This fixes the build of the shared library version, as there are no more undefined symbols. `kexplain` likely will still not work, but it didn't work in the first place. Closed-Leaf check-in: bdc1191d6f user: glowpelt tags: fixshared
Partially fix shared library build by making sure that data_objects are linked in. This means that internal.ident.o is properly linked in, but internal.ident.o itself still references undefined symbols, so this is only a partial fix. check-in: 0d71b71cc8 user: glowpelt tags: trunk

Modified from [e58e880af0] to [773f649c53].

   252    252   
   253    253   	for rt in $(scan mod/$mod "*.rt.$target.s"); do
   254    254   		base="$(basename $rt)"
   255    255   		dest="$to/$mod.${base%%.s}.o"
   256    256   		comp_asm "$rt" "$dest"
   257    257   		rt_objects+=("$dest")
   258    258   	done
          259  +done
          260  +# Compile just the error lists for all modules, regardless of enabled modules
          261  +for errs in $(scan mod "err.c"); do
          262  +	base="$(basename $(dirname $errs))"
          263  +	dest="$to/$base.err.o"
          264  +	comp_co "$errs" "$dest"
          265  +	data_objects+=("$dest")
   259    266   done
   260    267   
   261    268   # fourth pass: link the libraries that are
   262    269   # configured to be built
   263    270   
   264    271   if test $build_static_library == yes; then
   265    272   	for obj in ${fn_objects[@]} ${rt_objects[@]} ${data_objects[@]}; do

Added mod/kbuild/err.c version [42300f7063].

            1  +const char *kbuild_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kcli/err.c version [b3a720b992].

            1  +const char *kcli_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kconf/err.c version [f24c551630].

            1  +const char *kconf_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kcore/err.c version [db26488769].

            1  +const char *kcore_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kdb/err.c version [c317300ad1].

            1  +const char *kdb_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kdbg/err.c version [de0ca1aede].

            1  +const char *kdbg_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kfile/err.c version [2fb451a006].

            1  +const char *kfile_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kgraft/err.c version [5fc7fb86ef].

            1  +const char *kgraft_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kio/err.c version [32b33274ee].

            1  +const char *kio_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kmem/err.c version [e872bb1499].

            1  +const char *kmem_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kmsg/err.c version [0ac3a8b2d0].

            1  +const char *kmsg_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/knet/err.c version [0eec7df907].

            1  +const char *knet_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/knum/err.c version [bf1b024a5e].

            1  +const char *knum_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kproc/err.c version [d89332917b].

            1  +const char *kproc_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kstr/err.c version [97f00e5310].

            1  +const char *kstr_error_strings[] = {};

Added mod/kterm/err.c version [82b03c1638].

            1  +const char *kterm_error_strings[] = {};