libk  Check-in [bb6911fe4f]

Comment:Merge accidental fork.
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA3-256: bb6911fe4fabc9e3c1dbaa8988fe97ea1391f3106ab65da0792ae19c1ca29947
User & Date: glowpelt on 2019-11-01 06:38:46
Other Links: manifest | tags
Disable PDF docs on NixOS. As it seems groff PDF support is currently broken on NixOS (, disable the building of PDFs in the NixOS build. check-in: 9408112a57 user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Merge accidental fork. check-in: bb6911fe4f user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Mostly fix NixOS build. Docs are still broken. The rest of the problems, mostly from small changes since NixOS was last tested, are fixed. check-in: 009b0289f2 user: glowpelt tags: trunk
remove nonexistant --normalize option check-in: 0ed5f80174 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified global/ from [af11c2c865] to [8cac5483dc].

    46     46   	offset=0
    47     47   fi
    48     48   
    49     49   tail -n+2 $file | head -n$(expr $descline - 2) | cmark --smart -t man >>"$fmt"
    50     50   
    51     51   echo >>"$fmt" ".SH DESCRIPTION"
    52     52   
    53         -tail -n+$(expr $descline + $offset) "$file"  | cmark --smart --normalize -t man >> "$fmt"
           53  +tail -n+$(expr $descline + $offset) "$file"  | cmark --smart -t man >> "$fmt"
    54     54   
    55     55   test "$doc_html" = "yes" && {
    56     56   	mkdir -p "$htmldest"
    57     57   	groff -Thtml -Kutf8 -m man "$fmt" > "$html"
    58     58   	test "$verbose" != "loud" ||
    59     59   	say "wrote html page for $stem to $html"
    60     60   }