libk  Check-in [957b5fa848]

Comment:fix typo
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SHA3-256: 957b5fa84881601b66c5a5b0e124fb1aaebb0023ce5ade4a494e4824d2fef625
User & Date: lexi on 2019-08-22 20:04:27
Other Links: manifest | tags
fix another typo check-in: 8618103a4e user: lexi tags: trunk
fix typo check-in: 957b5fa848 user: lexi tags: trunk
add tests for linear allocators, fix dumb bug in kmheapf() that caused it to return an error on success check-in: f37ee769c9 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified from [4ccdb2100b] to [86030e858e].

    14     14   
    15     15   libk aims to offer a better, safer, and most importantly, less unpleasant foundation for modern code in C or any other language. it also aims to be much smaller, simpler, and faster than glibc to build so that there's no arduous bootstrapping process for new architectures.
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    17     17   currently, the only dependency on libc in any form is `arch/typesize.c`, a small binary tool which uses libc IO routines to print type information it calculates; however, this could also be augmented to use POISX IO routines, or even potentially libk IO routines to remove any external dependency at all -- the work would be nontrivial, but fully feasible. further, the file it creates can also _in extremis_ be created by hand. the final compiled libc binaries and headers do not depend on or reference libc in any way; typesize is only a makedepend.
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    19     19   ## goals
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    21         -libk's goals are far-reaching, and suggestions are welcome. note however that libk is *not* intended to be a kitchen-sink library like libiberty. it's meant to do one thing, and to it well: to provide an easy- and pleasant-to-use foundation for modern open source projects. below is a list of some of the project's major goals.
           21  +libk's goals are far-reaching, and suggestions are welcome. note however that libk is *not* intended to be a kitchen-sink library like libiberty. it's meant to do one thing, and to do it well: to provide an easy- and pleasant-to-use foundation for modern open source projects. below is a list of some of the project's major goals.
    22     22   
    23     23    1. **IO.** libc's basic input/output mechanisms are dreadful, built at entirely the wrong level of abstraction. libk is intended to make many more primitives available to the user, and offer a sliding scale of abstraction so libk is suitable for a wide range of needs.
    24     24    2. **file manipulation.** libc's file manipulation primitives are a relic of a bygone age and in dire need of upgrading.
    25     25    3. **terminal manipulation.** libc has no provision for simple output formatting, a task that requires a combination of ANSI codes and in some cases pty manipulation with POSIX APIs, both of which are somewhat dark wizardry. this situation forces many innocent coders to drag in the entire unholy bulk of the aptly named library `ncurses`, much of whose code has been utterly obsolete for the last twenty years and whose API is one of the most singularly hateful ones in existence. libk therefore should offer a simple, straightforward way to do gracefully-degrading terminal sorcery.
    26     26    4. **memory management.** the single memory management function `malloc()` provided by libc is absolutely pitiful. this is 2019. modern applications have much more exotic allocation needs, and a standard library should offer a range of allocators and management techniques, as well as abstract pointer objects so that pointers to objects of different allocation types (including static or stack allocation!) can be mixed freely and safely.
    27     27    5. **intrinsic reentrancy.** because *jesus christ,* libc.
    28     28    6. **interprocess communication.** libc offers no useful IPC abstractions over the paltry array of tools POSIX &co. give us to work with. we can do better.