libk  Check-in [860229e8ce]

Comment:add in mechanism to generate syscall tables for x86 linux
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SHA3-256: 860229e8ce1a86fe94865aec6da863e39052cdb4bdbbdcfefcfed79edb44586b
User & Date: lexi on 2019-06-27 09:57:30
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updates check-in: 21467a6dc9 user: lexi tags: trunk
add in mechanism to generate syscall tables for x86 linux check-in: 860229e8ce user: lexi tags: trunk
updates check-in: f5b7fa5762 user: lexi tags: trunk

Added arch/makefile version [8e0dfa3404].

            1  +calls.x86.lin.32.s: /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h
            2  +	grep "#define __NR_" $< | sed "s;^#define __NR_;%define sys.;" > $@
            3  +calls.x86.lin.64.s: /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h
            4  +	grep "#define __NR_" $< | sed "s;^#define __NR_;%define sys.;" > $@

Modified arch/x86.lin.32.s from [7c5909e17f] to [fed93e863f].

            1  +;; abi definition file for x86 linux 32-bit
     1      2   ; vim: ft=nasm
     2         -%define sys.exit 1
     3         -%define sys.fork 2
     4         -%define 3
     5         -%define sys.write 4
     6         -%define 5
     7         -%define sys.close 6
     8         -%define sys.chdir 12
            3  +
            4  +; syscall32 numbers - syscall table must be created first!
            5  +%include "calls.x86.lin.32.s"
     9      6   
            7  +; syscall32 registers
    10      8   %define sys.reg.n 6
    11      9   %define sys.reg.0 eax
    12     10   %define sys.reg.1 ebx
    13     11   %define sys.reg.2 ecx
    14     12   %define sys.reg.3 edx
    15     13   %define sys.reg.4 esi
    16     14   %define sys.reg.5 edi
           15  +
           16  +%macro sys 1-6
           17  +	%assign i 0
           18  +	%rep %0
           19  +		mov sys.reg. %+ i, %1 ; i'm actually shocked this worked
           20  +		%rotate 1
           21  +		%assign i i+1
           22  +	%endrep 
           23  +	syscall
           24  +%endmacro
    17     25   
    18     26   %define int 0x80 ; sysenter is allegedly the
    19     27     ; politically correct option but it does not actually
    20     28     ; appear to work without a whole lot of extra bullshit
    21     29   
    22     30   ; todo: learn vdsos

Modified arch/x86.lin.64.s from [fcbc285104] to [1f6b1a0933].

     1         -;; abi definition file
     2         -;; macros:
     3         -;; * sys: syscall64 wrapper
     4         -;; * ccall: automatically generate code to call a C function
     5         -;;          with any number of arguments
            1  +;; abi definition file for x86 linux 64-bit
            2  +; vim: ft=nasm
            3  +
            4  +; syscall64 numbers - syscall table must be created first!
            5  +%include "calls.x86.lin.64.s"
     6      6   
     7      7   ; syscall ops
     8      8   %define syscall
     9         -; syscall numbers
    10         -%define sys.write 1
    11         -%define sys.brk 12
    12         -%define sys.exit 60
    13      9   
    14     10   ; register order for syscall convention
           11  +%define sys.reg.n 7
    15     12   %define sys.reg.0 rax
    16     13   %define sys.reg.1 rdi
    17     14   %define sys.reg.2 rsi
    18     15   %define sys.reg.3 rdx
    19     16   %define sys.reg.4 r10
    20     17   %define sys.reg.5 r8
    21     18   %define sys.reg.6 r9
    26     23   %define ccall.reg.1 rsi
    27     24   %define ccall.reg.2 rdx
    28     25   %define ccall.reg.3 rcx
    29     26   %define ccall.reg.4 r8
    30     27   %define ccall.reg.5 r9
    31     28   
    32     29   %macro sys 1-8
           30  +; syscall64 wrapper, ex. `sys sys.write, 1, msg, msg.len`
    33     31   	%assign i 0
    34     32   	%rep %0
    35     33   		mov sys.reg. %+ i, %1 ; i'm actually shocked this worked
    36     34   		%rotate 1
    37     35   		%assign i i+1
    38     36   	%endrep 
    39     37   	syscall

Modified makefile from [e2aa0ec204] to [0ee3372ddd].

    20     20   defs: $(headers)
    21     21   tool: $(binmods:%=%.tool)
    22     22   
    23     23   lists = moddirs modules headers objects makefiles binaries binmods
    24     24   dbg:
    25     25   	@echo -e lists: $(foreach var, $(lists), "\\n - \\e[1m$(var)\\e[m = $($(var))")
    26     26   
    27         -%.obj: %/makefile $(OUT)
           27  +%.obj: %/makefile ${TARGET}.calls $(OUT)
    28     28   	cd $* && $(MAKE) obj
    29     29   
    30     30   %.tool: %/makefile $(OUT)
    31     31   	cd $* && $(MAKE) tool
    32     32   
    33     33   %.dbg: %/makefile $(OUT)
    34     34   	cd $* && $(MAKE) dbg
    35     35   
           36  +%.calls: arch/makefile
           37  +	cd arch && make calls.$*.s
           38  +
    36     39   $(OUT)/ mods $(OUT)
    37     40   	$(CC) -shared -o $@ $(objects)
    38     41   
    39     42   $(OUT)/libk.a: mods $(OUT)
    40     43   	# using `ar c` and ranlib here instead of
    41     44   	# `ar cs` in case `ar` isn't the GNU version
    42     45   	ar c $@ $(objects)