libk  Check-in [85bec55157]

Comment:fix typo
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SHA3-256: 85bec5515724afdec484352ebc3cf794d882ba7e8c09972259b8dba6efa7b149
User & Date: lexi on 2019-07-27 03:59:04
Other Links: manifest | tags
port header macro files to m4; delete gpp infra; fix glaring syntax errors in kcore/type.h check-in: 0c20d256a6 user: lexi tags: trunk
fix typo check-in: 85bec55157 user: lexi tags: trunk
add docs/manifesto for kfile; add initial kfile headers and function prototypes; update headers to include c++ extern guards so libk functions can be used from c++ check-in: 926d05a4ce user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified from [05d8d251c9] to [3181eecb08].

   166    166   
   167    167       rule r = { 10, buf,
   168    168   		rule_kind_undialectical,
   169    169   		rule_action_expropriate,
   170    170   		rule_target_bourgeoisie
   171    171   	};
   172    172   
   173         -this makes code much more legible and has the added benefit of making the definitions easier to expand at a later date if new functionality values is needed without breaking the API or ABI.
          173  +this makes code much more legible and has the added benefit of making the definitions easier to expand at a later date if new functionality is needed without breaking the API or ABI.
   174    174    
   175    175   ## build process
   176    176   
   177    177   libk has a number of targets. all files generated by a `make` invocation will be stored in the folder "out" at the root of the repository. this directory may be deleted entirely to clean the repository.
   178    178   
   179    179   **defs** will create the directory `out/k/` and populate it with module header files. the `k/` directory shall be suitable to copy to `/usr/include` or similar. these header files will copied by building the `${OUT}/$(module).h` target of each module's makefile.
   180    180