libk  Check-in [6aeac330ce]

Comment:Add a final terminating null to first message in kcli_usage. This was causing the shared library build to segfault. Not perfect, as if there are no options, there will be two nulls, but two is better than none.
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SHA3-256: 6aeac330cedb6d70e71b74adde2dd98c91c438fcc9ddbf341f71fc33667363e8
User & Date: glowpelt on 2020-01-31 05:58:38
Other Links: manifest | tags
Merge install script branch. Seems to be Good Enough for now, and shouldn't break anything at all to merge this. check-in: 12a51d9c50 user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Add a final terminating null to first message in kcli_usage. This was causing the shared library build to segfault. Not perfect, as if there are no options, there will be two nulls, but two is better than none. check-in: 6aeac330ce user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Merge the shared library build fixes into trunk check-in: d49a706cc4 user: glowpelt tags: trunk

Modified mod/kcli/usage.fn.c from [51bd833f89] to [a2f98072f0].

    22     22   	const char* name = != null ?
    23     23 : _k_internal_binary_name;
    24     24   
    25     25   	const char* msg [] = {
    26     26   		name, " v", prg.version, "\n\n",
    27     27   		prg.desc, "\n\n",
    28     28   		"usage: ", _k_internal_binary_name,
    29         -		prg.optc == 0 ? null : " [-",
           29  +		prg.optc == 0 ? null : " [-", null,
    30     30   	};
    31     31   
    32     32   	if (!kokay(c = ksbufwrite(out, msg))) return c;
    33     33   
    34     34   	u8 longest_opt = 0;
    35     35   	u8 opt_lens [prg.optc];
    36     36   	for (sz i = 0; i != prg.optc; ++ i) {