libk  Check-in [21467a6dc9]

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SHA3-256: 21467a6dc94ca02c7826385aa0f5df25adabd12ceaa3e2955e41ec432afafa83
User & Date: lexi on 2019-06-27 12:13:43
Other Links: manifest | tags
fix embarassing example check-in: 3e3a628048 user: lexi tags: trunk
updates check-in: 21467a6dc9 user: lexi tags: trunk
add in mechanism to generate syscall tables for x86 linux check-in: 860229e8ce user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified arch/makefile from [8e0dfa3404] to [657c34aa94].

     1         -calls.x86.lin.32.s: /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h
            1  +linux-headers = /usr/include/asm/
            2  +calls.x86.lin.32.s: $(linux-headers)/unistd_32.h
     2      3   	grep "#define __NR_" $< | sed "s;^#define __NR_;%define sys.;" > $@
     3         -calls.x86.lin.64.s: /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h
            4  +calls.x86.lin.64.s: $(linux-headers)/unistd_64.h
     4      5   	grep "#define __NR_" $< | sed "s;^#define __NR_;%define sys.;" > $@

Modified arch/x86.lin.64.s from [1f6b1a0933] to [2b600a2718].

     5      5   %include "calls.x86.lin.64.s"
     6      6   
     7      7   ; syscall ops
     8      8   %define syscall
     9      9   
    10     10   ; register order for syscall convention
    11     11   %define sys.reg.n 7
           12  +%define sys.reg.ret rax
    12     13   %define sys.reg.0 rax
    13     14   %define sys.reg.1 rdi
    14     15   %define sys.reg.2 rsi
    15     16   %define sys.reg.3 rdx
    16     17   %define sys.reg.4 r10
    17     18   %define sys.reg.5 r8
    18     19   %define sys.reg.6 r9
    19     20   
    20     21   ; register order for ccall convention
    21     22   %define ccall.reg.ct 6
           23  +%define ccall.reg.ret rdi
    22     24   %define ccall.reg.0 rdi
    23     25   %define ccall.reg.1 rsi
    24     26   %define ccall.reg.2 rdx
    25     27   %define ccall.reg.3 rcx
    26     28   %define ccall.reg.4 r8
    27     29   %define ccall.reg.5 r9
    28     30   

Added kcli/ version [91db6a8cad].

            1  +# kcli
            2  +**kcli** is a module that implements common routines used by command-line utilities, such as option parsing, usage display, and more.
            3  +
            4  +## functions
            5  +
            6  +### kcli_usage(kcli_set, kiochan)
            7  +kcli_usage() takes a `kcli_set` and prints a succinct usage summary to a [kiochan](../kio/
            8  +
            9  +## types
           10  +
           11  +### struct kcli_set
           12  +`kcli_set` is a struct containing information about your program, such as its name, a synopsis of its function, a pointer to `argv`, and a list of `kcli_opt`s.
           13  +
           14  + * `const char* name` - program name (if null, will be determined from argv instead)
           15  + * `size_t argc` - the number of arguments in the `argv` array.
           16  + * `const char** argv` - the `argv` pointer passed to the `entry` function, representing the command-line arguments passed to the program.
           17  + * `const char* desc` - program description
           18  + * `const kcli_param* params` - a list of options expected by the program.
           19  + * `size_t paramc` - the number of params in the list to process.
           20  + * `const kcli_opt* opts` - a list of options expected by the program.
           21  + * `size_t optc` - the number of options in the list to process.
           22  +
           23  +a kcli_set might be used like so:
           24  +
           25  +    #include <k/core.h>
           26  +    #include <k/io.h>
           27  +    #include <k/cli.h>
           28  +    u8 entry(kenv e) {
           29  +    	kcli_flag aardvark;
           30  +    	kcli_flag zebra;
           31  +    	char* user;
           32  +    	char* password;
           33  +		long age;
           34  +		kcli_param* params = {
           35  +    		{ "user", kcli_param_string, kcli_class_required,
           36  +    		  &user, "the user to log in as" }
           37  +			  // or Kcli_param(user,string,required,"the user to log in as"),
           38  +
           39  +			{ "age", kcli_param_dec, kcli_class_optional,
           40  +    		  &age, "the age of the user" }
           41  +			  // or Kcli_param(age,dec,optional,"the age of the user"),
           42  +		};
           43  +    	kcli_opt* options = {
           44  +    		{ 'a', "aardvark", kcli_opt_flag, &aardvark,
           45  +    		  "a nocturnal burrowing mammal" },
           46  +			  // or Kcli_opt(aardvark, 'a', flag, "a nocturnal burrowing mammal")
           47  +    		{ 'z', "zebra", kcli_opt_flag, &zebra,
           48  +    		  "a striped equine" },
           49  +    		{ 'p', "password", kcli_opt_string, &password,
           50  +    		  "the password to log in with" }
           51  +    	};
           52  +    	kcli_set me = {
           53  +    		"demo", e.argc, e.argv,
           54  +    		"a demonstration of the kcli_set type",
           55  +			params, Kmsz(params),
           56  +			options, Kmsz(options)
           57  +    	},
           58  +		size_t args_parsed = kcli_parse(&me);
           59  +		if (args_parsed == 0) { kcli_usage(&me, e.err); return 1; }
           60  +
           61  +		return 0;
           62  +	}
           63  +
           64  +### struct kcli_opt
           65  +a `kcli_opt` is a representation of a command-line flag and its function. each option must have a unique `id` and/or a unique `name`.
           66  +
           67  + * `char id` - the short single-character form of the flag (or NUL for no short form)
           68  + * `const char* name` - the long string form of the flag (or NULL for no long form)
           69  + * `kcli_opt_kind kind` - enum that describes how the flag will function
           70  + * `void* val` - a pointer to an appropriate type to store the return value in.
           71  + * `const char* desc` - a description of the flag's purpose and function (or NULL for no description)
           72  +
           73  +#### enum kcli_opt_kind
           74  +
           75  + * `kcli_opt_none` - flag is disabled and will not be shown in usage
           76  + * `kcli_opt_string` - flag tells kcli to add a string to the list of expected parameters; appropriate string will be returned
           77  + * `kcli_opt_oct` - flag tells kcli to add an octal number to the list of expected parameters
           78  + * `kcli_opt_dec` - flag tells kcli to add a decimal number to the list of expected parameters
           79  + * `kcli_opt_hex` - flag tells kcli to add a hexdecimal number to the list of expected parameters
           80  + * `kcli_opt_flag` - flag is an option: will return `kcli_flag_on` if entered at least once, `kcli_flag_off` otherwise.
           81  + * `kcli_opt_toggle` - flag toggles value on and off: will return `kcli_flag_on` if entered an odd number of times, `kcli_flag_off` otherwise.
           82  + * `kcli_opt_accumulate` - flag increments a value every time it is entered; often used to implement `-v (--verbose)`-style options (e.g. `-vvvv` would return a value of `4`).
           83  +
           84  +### struct kcli_param
           85  +`kcli_param` describes a parameter that may be passed to the program whether or not any flags are passed.
           86  +
           87  + * `const char* name` - a short name for the parameter
           88  + * `kcli_param_kind kind` - the kind of parameter passed
           89  + * `kcli_class class` - whether or not the parameter is optional
           90  + * `void* val` - a pointer to an appropriate type of variable to fill
           91  + * `const char* desc` - a description of the parameter's function
           92  +
           93  +#### enum kcli_param_kind
           94  + * `kcli_param_none` - parameter is disabled and will not be expected or accepted
           95  + * `kcli_param_string` - parameter will not be parsed; a raw string will be returned
           96  + * `kcli_param_oct` - parameter will be parsed as an octal number
           97  + * `kcli_param_dec` - parameter will be parsed as a decimal number
           98  + * `kcli_param_hex` - parameter will be parsed as a hexadecimal number
           99  +
          100  +### enum kcli_class
          101  + * `kcli_class_forbidden` - parameter may not be passed
          102  + * `kcli_class_optional` - parameter may or may not be passed
          103  + * `kcli_class_required` - parameter must be passed
          104  +
          105  +### enum kcli_flag
          106  +results that an option of kind `kcli_opt_flag` can return.
          107  +
          108  + * `kcli_flag_off = 0` - flag is off
          109  + * `kcli_flag_on = 1` - flag is on
          110  + 
          111  +## macros
          112  +
          113  +### Kcli_param(field, kind, class, description)
          114  +a convenience macro for filling out parameter lists.
          115  +
          116  +`Kcli_param(field,a,b,"description")` is transformed into:
          117  +
          118  +    { "field", kcli_param_a, kcli_class_b, &field, "description" }
          119  +
          120  +### Kcli_opt(field, kind, class, description)
          121  +a convenience macro for filling out option lists.
          122  +
          123  +`Kcli_opt(name,'n',string,"description")` is transformed into:
          124  +
          125  +    { 'n', "name", kcli_opt_string, &name, "description" }

Added kcore/boot.c version [878278ef2e].

            1  +#include "core.h"
            2  +extern stat entry(kenv);
            3  +
            4  +stat _boot(unsigned int argc, char** argv) {
            5  +	kenv e = { argc, argv };
            6  +	return entry(e);
            7  +}
            8  +	

Added kcore/core.h version [bb457bb91b].

            1  +#ifndef KIcore
            2  +#define KIcore
            3  +
            4  +typedef unsigned long long sz;
            5  +typedef unsigned char stat;
            6  +
            7  +typedef struct kenv {
            8  +	sz argc;
            9  +	char** argv;
           10  +} kenv;
           11  +
           12  +#endif

Added kcore/ version [28c0315020].

            1  +# kcore
            2  +**kcore** is the foundation for the rest of libk. it defines types and structs that are needed by every program, and provides the stub that launches a program's "entry" function.
            3  +
            4  +## entry
            5  +when using libk, your program's entry point will not be the `int main(int,char**)` function that libc opens into. libk will call the function `stat entry(kenv)` instead. like libc, the value returned by `entry` will be returned to the host platform.
            6  +
            7  +## types
            8  +kcore contains fixed-width integer types. note that the available of each depends on your platform; compilation will fail if e.g. you try to use a u64 or a u128 on a 32-bit platform, so where exact lengths are not required, you may wish to use the built-in C types instead.
            9  +
           10  + * `u8` - an unsigned 8-bit integer
           11  + * `s8` - a signed 8-bit integer
           12  + * `u16` - an unsigned 16-bit integer
           13  + * `s16` - a signed 16-bit integer
           14  + * `u32` - an unsigned 32-bit integer
           15  + * `s32` - a signed 32-bit integer
           16  + * `u64` - an unsigned 64-bit integer
           17  + * `s64` - a signed 64-bit integer
           18  + * `u128` - an unsigned 128-bit integer
           19  + * `s128` - a signed 128-bit integer
           20  + * `word` - an unsigned integer of platform word-length (e.g. 32 bits on x86.32; 64 on x86.64)
           21  + * `sword` - a signed integer of platform word-length (e.g. 32 bits on x86.32; 64 on x86.64)
           22  + * `stat` - the type of process return values expected by the platform (usually u8 on linux)
           23  +
           24  +### struct kenv
           25  +`kenv` is a struct that encompasses the environment the program was launched in.
           26  + * `kiochan std` - a stereo IO channel for reading and writing to and from stdout.
           27  + * `kiochan err` - a mono IO channel for writing to stderr.
           28  + * `kvar* env` - a pointer into the program's environment
           29  +
           30  +### struct kvar
           31  +`kvar` is a struct that abstracts over platform environment variables.
           32  + * `kstr name` - the name of an environment variable
           33  + * `kstr val` - the value of an environment variable
           34  + * `char* platform` - a pointer into the platform's underlying representation

Added kcore/makefile version [f0df06fe05].

            1  +include ../modmake

Added kcore/start.x86.lin.64.s version [fc26b36617].

            1  +; vim: ft=nasm
            2  +bits 64
            3  +%include "../arch/x86.lin.64.s"
            4  +global _start
            5  +extern _boot
            6  +extern entry;
            7  +
            8  +_start:
            9  +	mov rbp, rsp
           10  +	mov rdi, [rbp + 0] ; argc
           11  +	lea rsi, [rbp + 8] ; argv
           12  +
           13  +	call _boot;
           14  +
           15  +	mov sys.reg.1, sys.reg.ret
           16  +	mov sys.reg.0, sys.exit
           17  +

Modified from [d44feffbdd] to [f5443bdd6c].

   178    178   
   179    179   the AGPL may seem like an inappropriately restrictive license for a project with such grandiose ambitions. it is an ideological choice. i selected it because libk is intended very specifically as a contribution to the *free software* community, a community that i hope will continue to grow at the expense of closed-source ecosystems. i have no interest in enabling people or corporations to profit from keeping secrets, especially not with my own free labor (or anyone else's, for that matter).
   180    180   
   181    181   if you disagree with this philosophy, you are welcome to continue using libc.
   182    182   
   183    183   ## what does the k stand for?
   184    184   
   185         -nothing. it was chosen in reference to libc - the letter C was part of the original roman alphabet, while K was added later by analogy to the Greek kappa ‹κ›. in my native language, the older letter ‹c› can make a number of different sounds based on context, including [k] and [s], while ‹k› is fairly consistently used for the sound [k]. hopefully the analogy is obvious.
          185  +nothing. it was chosen in reference to libc - the letter C was part of the original roman alphabet, while K was added later by analogy to the Greek kappa ‹κ›. in my native language, the older letter ‹c› can make a number of different sounds based on context, including [k] and [s], while ‹k› is fairly consistently used for the sound [k]. and for orthographical reasons, [k] is often represented by the digraph ‹ck› - that is, a C followed by a K. hopefully the analogies are obvious.
   186    186   
   187    187   this project has nothing to do with KDE.

Modified modmake from [247b2f15bf] to [e72fb78502].

    51     51   #-- linux
    52     52   # linux uses the ELF{32,64} binary format,  and generating these
    53     53   # from yasm is trivial.  linux only supports one ABI per format,
    54     54   # at least with ELF, so that's all we need to do.
    55     55   
    56     56   #${OUT}/$(mod).%.x86.lin.32.o: %.x86.lin.32.s
    57     57   $(call arch,x86.lin.32)
    58         -	yasm -felf32 $< -o $@
           58  +	yasm -gdwarf2 -felf32 $< -o $@
    59     59   
    60     60   #${OUT}/$(mod).%.x86.lin.64.o: %.x86.lin.64.s
    61     61   $(call arch,x86.lin.64)
    62         -	yasm -felf64 $< -o $@
           62  +	yasm -gdwarf2 -felf64 $< -o $@
    63     63   
    64     64   #-- freebsd
    65     65   # the freebsd ABI is different, so it will require different code
    66     66   # (though there might be ways to minimize that). freebsd uses the
    67     67   # same binary format as Linux  (though it also supports a.out and
    68     68   # COFF) but because freebsd can interpret multiple different ABIs
    69     69   # the  object files  need to  be "branded"  with the  correct one