libk  Check-in [009b0289f2]

Comment:Mostly fix NixOS build. Docs are still broken. The rest of the problems, mostly from small changes since NixOS was last tested, are fixed.
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SHA3-256: 009b0289f210b40bb6c6027f424b4e4041c116ad20a1c9cfd1bcd2ecc4d95288
User & Date: glowpelt on 2019-11-01 06:28:50
Other Links: manifest | tags
Merge accidental fork. check-in: bb6911fe4f user: glowpelt tags: trunk
Mostly fix NixOS build. Docs are still broken. The rest of the problems, mostly from small changes since NixOS was last tested, are fixed. check-in: 009b0289f2 user: glowpelt tags: trunk
add usage display for parameters and command line switches for kcli_set, the structure used to define command line syntax for the parser; add more string & buffer functions check-in: 927371b674 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified dist/libk.nix from [09f8c0f00b] to [5ae929ce03].

     1         -{stdenv, m4, yasm}:
            1  +{stdenv, m4, yasm, cmark, groff}:
     2      2   
     3      3   stdenv.mkDerivation {
     4      4     name = "libk";
     5      5     version = "0.0.0";
     6      6   
     7         -  src = stdenv.lib.cleanSource ./.;
            7  +  src = stdenv.lib.cleanSource ../.;
     8      8   
     9         -  nativeBuildInputs = [ m4 yasm ];
            9  +  # Need to figure out how split builds work... but that also kinda needs
           10  +  # an install script first, so.
           11  +  nativeBuildInputs = [ m4 yasm cmark groff ];
    10     12   
           13  +  # TODO: maybe make this more generic? IIRC I couldn't use the
           14  +  # patch-everything whatever, for some reason. It also probably should be in
           15  +  # an earlier build step.
    11     16     buildPhase = ''
    12         -    substituteInPlace global/ --replace "/usr/bin/env sh" "${}"
    13         -    substituteInPlace global/ --replace "/usr/bin/env sh" "${}"
           17  +    substituteInPlace global/ --replace "/usr/bin/env bash" "${}"
           18  +    substituteInPlace global/ --replace "/usr/bin/env bash" "${}"
    14     19       env os=lin arch=x86 bits=64 to=$prefix debug=yes \
    15     20       bash
    16     21     '';
    17     22   
    18     23     # No proper install yet...
    19     24     dontInstall = true;
    20     25   
    21         -  # This doesn't seem to work anyways?
           26  +  # Not sure if these work or are needed, but better safe than sorry, here.
    22     27     dontStrip = true;
    23     28     dontPatchELF = true;
    24     29   
           30  +  # I think there's supposed to be a stack check fail fn now, so maybe this
           31  +  # is okay? TODO: test if this is still needed.
    25     32     hardeningDisable = [ "stackprotector" ];
    26     33   
    27     34     meta = with stdenv.lib; {
    28     35       description = "A modern replacement for libc";
    29         -    homepage =;
    30         -    changelog = "";
           36  +    homepage =;
           37  +    changelog = "";
    31     38       license = licenses.agpl3;
    32     39       # Doesn't actually match w/ supported platforms, but...
    33     40       platforms = platforms.unix;
    34     41     };
    35     42   }