libk  History of kcore/__stack_chk_fail.fn.c of a8d93823f15bad6e3941fad7053b8e0d5e078b563f9ee1c15ea8c1063e9ee027

History of the file that is called kcore/__stack_chk_fail.fn.c at checkin a8d93823f15bad6e3941fad7053b8e0d5e078b563f9ee1c15ea8c1063e9ee027

Renamed kcore/__stack_chk_fail.fn.c → mod/kcore/__stack_chk_fail.fn.c. move modules to a subdirectory in order to keep the directory tree organized and make room for OS-specific build files file: [7f5547f66a] check-in: [14172a910a] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 64 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff]
Added: add a bunch of code, port the header mechanism to gpp; add a fuckton of definitions and compatibility header code; notably, add core function kstop and x86.lin.{32,64} impl. update docs accordingly file: [7f5547f66a] check-in: [e794c5edef] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 64 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]