History of the file that is called arch/x86.lin.32/error_table.h at checkin 6bc8ca3cac15ce25
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06:41 | arch: rewrite and merge mktbl scripts for Linux These now use the kernel’s own build system to generate headers and extract information from them. file: [991d95c3d6] check-in: [ceed477743] user: lachs0r, branch: trunk, size: 4432 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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01:10 | Added: arch: add syscall table for x86.lin.32; rerun scripts file: [88f88edd37] check-in: [fd97c8a737] user: lachs0r, branch: trunk, size: 4435 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |