History of the file that is called mod/kmem/heapo.fn.c at checkin 12a51d9c50923691
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08:44 | add kmlini() and kmlina() functions; restructure allocation functions to work more reasonably (returning a tuple struct instead of making a user pass in a void**); update docs accordingly file: [5d74e5db6e] check-in: [acb4a9944e] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 610 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
04:31 | Renamed mod/kmem/heapao.fn.c → mod/kmem/heapo.fn.c. finish moving heap allocation/free functions to the posix syscall apparatus and deprecate the direct assembly implementations of platform_mmap; update the kmem docs to match new function signatures (and remove typos) file: [70c3679214] check-in: [709ffb094d] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 496 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
02:52 | removed sneaky segfault in x86-64 syscall fn where %r8 (the register that contains the pointer to the syscall arguments from the C syscall wrapper, which need to be copied into the correct registers before the kernel is invoked) gets overwritten if the syscall valency > 5, because of overlapping ccall and syscall ABI argument registers - r8 is clobbered by argument 5 and any further attempts to use it as a ptr segfault at best. also modified the report function so that it immediate cancels compilation if a sub-process reports failure. changed allocator function signatures so they can return a condition code if the kernel reports an error; updated example code so it compiles and runs without fault. file: [e98ef79662] check-in: [e50a476efe] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 500 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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06:00 | Renamed kmem/heapao.fn.c → mod/kmem/heapao.fn.c. move modules to a subdirectory in order to keep the directory tree organized and make room for OS-specific build files file: [930b5d7379] check-in: [14172a910a] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 415 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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13:42 | Added: add functions, generate C syscall table file: [930b5d7379] check-in: [a8d93823f1] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 415 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |