libk  History of mod/kcli/usage.fn.c of 0ed5f80174ac69e2

History of the file that is called mod/kcli/usage.fn.c at checkin 0ed5f80174ac69e2

Add a final terminating null to first message in kcli_usage. This was causing the shared library build to segfault. Not perfect, as if there are no options, there will be two nulls, but two is better than none. file: [a2f98072f0] check-in: [6aeac330ce] user: glowpelt, branch: trunk, size: 2502 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff]
add usage display for parameters and command line switches for kcli_set, the structure used to define command line syntax for the parser; add more string & buffer functions file: [51bd833f89] check-in: [927371b674] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 2496 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff]
factor out write buffer code so any module and libk users can call it; update documentation to match; add kssz string length function file: [09e6f94502] check-in: [8d6b36fcac] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 406 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff]
Added: begin work on kcli module; continue to build out infra for error explanation function file: [2416d97ee0] check-in: [c0e04b9015] user: lexi, branch: trunk, size: 1156 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]