#ifndef KIcore
#define KIcore
#include <k/type.h>
#include <k/io.h>
#include <k/str.h>
#include <k/internal.egroup.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct kvar {
ksraw name;
ksraw val;
char* platform;
} kvar;
typedef struct kenv {
kiochan std;
kiochan err;
sz argc; char** args;
sz varc; kvar* vars;
} kenv;
/* i'm really sorry okay */
#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
_Bool bool;
#if !(__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
bool /* enum bool { */
false = 0, no = 0,
true = 1, yes = 1
#if !(__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
bool /* } bool ; */
#ifndef KFclean
# include <k/internal.egroup.h>
# define Kokay(cond) (((cond) % kglobal_module_offset) == 0)
# if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) ||\
(__cplusplus >= 201103L)
# define KVvm_args __VA_ARGS__
# define KVvm_spec ...
# define KFfeat_variadic_macro
# else
# define KVvm_args K_TEMP_M2QD52
# define KVvm_spec K_TEMP_M2QD52
# endif
# if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
# define KA(KVvm_spec) __attribute__((KVvm_args))
# else
# define KA(KVvm_spec)
# endif
# define KAformat(KVvm_spec) KA(format(KVvm_args))
# define KAexport(KVvm_spec) KA(visibility(KVvm_args))
# define KAunused KA(unused)
# define KAnoreturn KA(noreturn)
# define KApure KA(const)
# define KAinline KA(always_inline)
# define KAflatten KA(flatten)
# define KAexport_none KAexport("hidden")
# define KAexport_force KAexport("default")
/* now we define standard version flags,
* to make it easy for the user to write
* more portable code. */
# if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
# define KFstd_c89
# define KFstd_c99
# define KVstd c99
# else
# ifdef __STDC__
# define KFstd_c89
# define KVstd c89
# else
# define KVstd K&R /* UH OH */
# endif
# endif
# if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201103L)
# define KFstd_c11
# define KVstd c11
# endif
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define KFstd_c89
# define KFstd_cpp
# define KVstd c++
# if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
# define KFstd_cpp11
# define KVstd c++11
# endif /* TODO: add more */
# endif
#ifdef KFstd_c11
# define Kassert _Static_assert
# define Kassert(x) { struct { int assertion_failed[(x) ? 1 : -1] }; }
/* hooo boy. null. that one's got a storied
* history across the versions and dialects.
* below, we try to find the ideal way to
* offer a "null" "keyword" depending on
* dialect, version, and whether the user
* has asked for macros to be suspended.
* note that this may result in no "null"
* being defined in C++ or K&R C. */
#if defined (__cplusplus) && ! defined(KFclean)
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define null nullptr
# else
# define null ((void*)0)
# endif
#elif defined __STDC__ && (!defined __clang__ || defined KFclean)
enum { null = 0 };
/* believe it or not, this is actually
* completely legal. doesn't even raise
* a single warning in GCC. i was surprised
* too. alas, it later turned out that
* clang will throw a fit about this, so
* we only use the enum method if __clang__
* is undefined, or if the alternative is
* no null keyword at all. */
#elif ! defined(KFclean)
# define null ((void*)0)
#ifndef KFclean
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define noreturn [[ noreturn ]]
# elif __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201103L
# define noreturn _Noreturn
# else
# define noreturn
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
[[noreturn]] void kstop(stat_long code);
#elif __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201103L
_Noreturn void kstop(stat_long code);
void kstop(stat_long code);
typedef u16 kcond;
/* this will probably not need to be altered,
* as libk sports a modest number of modules,
* and there are few enough error conditions
* in each that 16-bit address space should
* be more than enough for the foreseeable
* future. however if that changes, altering
* the definition here will effect all the
* necessary changes throughout the library */
bool kokay(kcond);
typedef struct kerror {
const char* module_name,
* module_desc,
* error_string;
kcond error;
} kerror;
kerror kexplain(kcond);
#ifdef __cplusplus