libk  Diff

Differences From Artifact [73d0a96333]:

To Artifact [0e44a94bf4]:

     1      1   # kmem
     2      2   
     3      3   **kmem** is a libk module that contains various functions for memory allocation and deallocation. it uses the **short** naming convention with the glyph `m`.
            4  +
            5  +# description
     4      6   
     5      7   kmem allocators can work in several different ways. they can allocate memory directly from the heap (like `kmheapa()` and `kmlina()`), use a header that has already been allocated by another function, or allocate memory only from a pre-allocated pool. linear allocation with pool allocation is particularly useful, as it permits the very rapid allocation and deallocation of lots of objects with only a few adjustments to the heap, and no possibility of fragmentation or need for expensive algorithms like `malloc()` or `kmheapa()`
     6      8   
     7         -## module functions
            9  +# module functions
     8     10   
     9     11   kmem supplies two module-level functions, used to interact with the `kmptr` container type.
    10     12   
    11         - * `kmfree(kmptr) → void` - free, downref, or ignore the pasted object as appropriate
    12         - * `kmshred(kmptr) → void` - free, downref, or ignore the pasted object as appropriate. if deallocating, zero its contents
           13  + * `kmfree(kmptr) → kmcond` - free, downref, or ignore the passed object as appropriate
           14  + * `kmshred(kmptr) → void` - free, downref, or zero the passed object as appropriate. if downref'ing, mark underlying object to be shredded. otherwise, zero its contents, then deallocate if appropriate.
    13     15    * `kmstat(void*) → kmptr` - convenience function to wrap a pointer to a non-managed object in a `kmptr` struct, so it can be passed to functions that accept arbitrary objects. `kmptr p = kmstat(raw)` is equivalent to `kmptr p = { kmkind_none, raw, NULL }`.
    14     16    * `kmtaint(&kmptr) → void` - "taints" a `kmptr` object by setting it to be shredded when freed. this may be desirable if the object pointed to contains privileged information.
    15     17    * `kmzero(void*,sz) → void` - zeroes a region of memory
    16     18    * `kmozero(kmptr) → void` - zeroes an object in memory
    17     19    * `kmcopy(void* dest, void* src, sz) → void` - copies one region of memory to another
    18     20    * `kmdup(kmptr) → kmptr` - duplicates an object in memory, allocating it as sibling of the original
    19     21   
    20         -## types
           22  +# types
    21     23   
    22     24   kmem defines the following types:
    23     25    
    24     26    * `enum kmkind` - enumerates allocation strategies
    25     27    * `struct kmptr` - abstract pointer object
    26     28    * `struct kmcell` - abstract memory cell
    27     29    * `struct kmref` - a reference-counted cell
    28     30    * `struct kmnode` - a node in an allocation tree
    29     31    * `struct kmpool` - a memory pool
    30     32   
    31     33   `kmptr` and `kmcell` are both very similar. the difference is that a kmptr points to a region in memory and can be passed around freely. a `kmcell` is the actual in-memory representation of an allocation cell. a `kmcell` cannot be usefully instantiated; rather, it is downcast from an actual cell type (e.g. `kmnode n; kmcell* s = (kmcell*)(&n)`)
    32     34   
    33     35   
    34         -### kmkind
           36  +## kmkind
    35     37   
    36     38   `kmkind` is an enum that specifies an allocation function.
    37     39    
    38     40    * `kmkind_none` - no allocation
    39     41    * `kmkind_lin` - linear heap allocation
    40     42    * `kmkind_heap` - random heap allocation
    41     43    * `kmkind_pool` - pool allocation
    42     44    * `kmkind_ref` - reference-counting allocation
    43     45    * `kmkind_tree` - tree allocation
    44     46   
    45         -### kmptr
           47  +## kmptr
    46     48   
    47     49   kmem functions can operate on both raw pointers and the `kmptr` struct type. `kmptr` is a generic struct that can contain any kind of pointer. this is useful if you wish to allocate different objects in different manners, but pass them on into a single interface.
    48     50   
    49     51   memory pointed at by `kmptr` pointers can be freed either with the usual specialized function, or by passing the `kmptr` structure itself to the generic function `kmfree`, which will handle it appropriately, even if it's a pointer to a garbage-collected object or to a static region of memory.
    50     52   
    51     53   a `kmptr` has the following layout:
    52     54   
    53     55    * `kmkind kind` - codes the type of pointer; `kmkind_none` indicates a non-allocated pointer to a static (global or on-stack) object.
    54     56    * `kmshred shred` - an enum. if `kmshred_yes`, the value will be zeroed or otherwise made unreadable on free. if no, `kmfree` will consult `src` for shred policy if it is not NULL.
    55     57    * `void* ref` - the raw pointer enclosed by `cell`
    56     58    * `kmcell* cell` - a pointer to an object enclosure, typically either a memory pool or a referencing-counting object. NULL if not needed.
    57     59    
    58     60   the convenience function `kmstat(void*) → kmptr` wraps a pointer to a static object in a `kmptr` struct.
    59     61   
    60         -### struct kmcell
           62  +## struct kmcell
    61     63   
    62     64   `kmcell` is a stub struct used to disambiguate between source types. a "source" is an object that can hold an allocated object, such as the heap, a memory pool, a fixed-length array on stack, or a fixed-length global array. all values produced by a kmem allocation function can be cast to `kmcell*`, and have an intial field `id` that contains a `kmcell`.
    63     65   
    64     66    * `kmkind kind` - kind of cell
    65     67    * `size_t size` - size of cell (data plus all fields)
    66     68    * `kmshred shred` - shredding flag
    67     69   
    68         -### struct kmref
           70  +## struct kmref
    69     71   
    70     72   `kmref` is a struct that constitutes the in-memory representation of a reference-counted cell.
    71     73   
    72     74    * `kmcell id = { .kind = kmkind_ref, … } ` - kind of cell
    73     75    * `size_t refs` - number of active references 
    74     76    * `kmcell* src` - source, if any
    75     77    * `char data[]` - content of cell
    76     78   
    77         -### struct kmnode
           79  +## struct kmnode
    78     80   
    79     81   `kmnode` is the header struct for tree nodes. all tree nodes pointers can yield a `kmnode` structure by subtracting `sizeof (kmnode)` from the pointer. a utility function and macro are made available to automate this safely.
    80     82   
    81     83    * `kmcell id = { .kind = kmkind_tree, … } ` - kind of cell
    82     84    * `kmnode* parent` - parent node
    83     85    * `kmnode* child` - first child node
    84     86    * `kmnode* lastchild` - last child node
    85     87    * `kmnode* prev` - previous sibling, NULL if first
    86     88    * `kmnode* next` - next sibling, NULL if last
    87     89   
    88         -### struct kmpool
           90  +## struct kmpool
    89     91   
    90     92    * `kmcell id = { .kind = kmkind_pool, … } ` - kind of cell
    91     93    * `size_t cellsz` - size of individual pool cells
    92     94    * `kmpoolcell* top` - pointer to most recently allocated pool cell
    93     95    * `kmpoolcell* bottom` - pointer to most recently freed pool cell
    94     96    * `kmpoolcell data[]` - content of cell
    95     97   
    96         -#### struct kmpoolcell
           98  +### struct kmpoolcell
    97     99   
    98    100    * `kmpoolcell* last` - pointer to last element allocated before this one
    99    101    * `char data[]` - pool data
   100    102   
   101         -### enum kmshred
          103  +## enum kmshred
   102    104   
   103    105   `kmshred` is an enum used to indicate whether an object should be "shredded" (written over) in memory when it's deleted. this is a useful means to ensure that privileged information is not accidentally left in memory after use. if the shredding mechanism is not useful, compile libk with the flag `KFmem_noshred` to exclude its functions and fields.
   104    106   
   105    107    * `kmshred_no = 0` - marks an object not to shred on free
   106    108    * `kmshred_yes = 1` - marks an object to shred on free
   107    109   
   108         -## naming convention
          110  +# naming convention
   109    111   
   110    112   kmem function names are based on the **method** of allocation and the **action** being performed. methods are listed in the section below. kmem defines a number of standardized actions, though not every method uses every action. the character listed in brackets is suffixed to the name of the method to produce a function name: for instance, `kmheapa` will allocate memory on the heap, while `kmrefd` will decrement the reference count of its argument.
   111    113   
   112    114    * initialize [i]  - initializes a memory store on the heap
   113    115    * initialize fixed [if]  - initialize a memory store on the stack or in a fixed-size global
   114         - * allocate [a]  - return a raw pointer to a new region of memory of the given size, ready to write, or NULL if not possible. contents of that region undefined. takes parameter (size_t sz).
   115         - * allocate pointer object [ao]  - like *allocate*, but returns a `kmptr` instead of a raw `void*`.
          116  + * allocate [a]  -a llocate a new region of memory of the given size, ready to write, and write a pointer to it into argument `where`. returns a value of `kmcond`; always check this to ensure allocation succeeded. contents of that region undefined. takes parameters `void** where, size_t sz`.
          117  + * allocate pointer object [o]  - like *allocate*, but fills in a `kmptr` instead of a raw `void*`. takes parameters `kmptr* where, size_t sz`.
   116    118    * zero [z]  - allocate a new region of memory and zero it before returning it for writing. 
   117    119    * zero pointer object [zo]  - like *zero*, but returns a `kmptr` instead of a raw `void*`.
   118    120    * free [f]  - free a section of memory, either decrementing a reference count or returning it to whatever pool it came from.
   119    121    * shred [s]  - destroy whatever was in the segment of memory, then return it to the pool it came from.
   120    122    * destroy [x]  - tears down a memory store
   121    123    * upref [u] - increments a reference counter
   122    124