libk  Diff

Differences From Artifact [0390aebc43]:

To Artifact [2d5c92fb6a]:

     1      1   #- modmake
     2      2   # this is the master makefile that controls the building of each
     3      3   # libk module. it is included from each k*/makefile.
     4      4   # vim: ft=make
            5  +
            6  +include ../makerule
     5      7   
     6      8   mod = $(notdir $(PWD))
     7      9   src = $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard *.s) $(filter-out %.h,$(patsubst %.m,%,$(wildcard *.m)))
     8     10   bare = $(mod:k%=%)
     9     11   headers = $(wildcard *.h) $(gen-headers) $(patsubst %.m,%,$(wildcard *.h.m))
    10     12   
    11     13   tools    = $(filter     %.exe.c,   $(src))
    12     14   nontools = $(filter-out %.exe.c,   $(src))
    13     15   cobjects = $(filter     %.c,       $(nontools))
    14     16   sobjects = $(filter %.${TARGET}.s, $(nontools))
    15     17   
    16         -cflags = -std=c11 -isystem ${OUT} -isystem ${TMP} -isystem ${ROOT}/arch -fPIC -nostdlib ${COMPLIB} -L${OUT}
    17         -
    18         -m-env = atom_target_arch=${ARCH}
    19         -m-env += atom_target_os=${OS}
    20         -ifneq (${BITS},) #!!! ifdef does NOT work with environment variables
    21         -    m-env += atom_target_bits=${BITS}
    22         -endif
    23         -m-env += target_posix=${POSIX}
    24         -m-env += target_unix=${UNIX}
    25         -
    26         -m-comp = ${m4} $(m-env:%=-D%)
    27         -
    28     18   obj: $(cobjects:%.c=${OUT}/$(mod).%.o) \
    29     19   	 $(sobjects:%.s=${OUT}/$(mod).%.o)
    30     20   tool: $(tools:%.exe.c=${OUT}/$(mod).%) \
    31     21   	  ${OUT}/libk.a
    32     22   
    33     23   def: $(headers:%=${OUT}/k/%)
    34     24