libk  Check-in [8d6b36fcac]

Comment:factor out write buffer code so any module and libk users can call it; update documentation to match; add kssz string length function
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SHA3-256: 8d6b36fcac4d6db018f6597f71ce140e71a9ecd22d6203462f17cc62d2a7f197
User & Date: lexi on 2019-10-30 07:44:12
Other Links: manifest | tags
add usage display for parameters and command line switches for kcli_set, the structure used to define command line syntax for the parser; add more string & buffer functions check-in: 927371b674 user: lexi tags: trunk
factor out write buffer code so any module and libk users can call it; update documentation to match; add kssz string length function check-in: 8d6b36fcac user: lexi tags: trunk
begin work on kcli module; continue to build out infra for error explanation function check-in: c0e04b9015 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified mod/kcli/testbin.exe.c from [7d0c94d714] to [9c55c30fa9].    [diff]

Modified mod/kcli/usage.fn.c from [2416d97ee0] to [09e6f94502].    [diff]

Modified mod/kcore/core.h from [4d5847ec2c] to [4054dd1b64].    [diff]

Modified mod/kio/io.h.m from [34396da060] to [03256457ff].    [diff]

Added mod/kstr/bufflush.fn.c version [45cb80b779].

Added mod/kstr/bufmk.fn.c version [25e9d731b6].

Added mod/kstr/bufput.fn.c version [32dbad6423].

Added mod/kstr/kssz.fn.c version [a254af4df5].

Modified mod/kstr/ from [b3e2b4c4d7] to [7f4b99ca6c].    [diff]

Modified mod/kstr/str.h from [43535adcf4] to [18dd12a221].    [diff]