libk  Artifact [70c3679214]

Artifact 70c3679214a698187a81d37aaa7b9e4a88a8afa860a52a134f6bb1c388d3132d:

#include <k/core.h>
#include <k/mem.h>
/* heapo.fn.c - kmheapo() "allocate heap object"
 * ~ lexi hale <>
 * kmheapo() allocates a region in heap memory
 * and returns a kmptr struct referencing that
 * newly allocated region.

kmcond kmheapo(kmptr* where, sz size) {
	void* ptr;
	kmcond e = kmheapa(&ptr, size);
	if (e != kmcond_ok) return e;
	kmptr p = {
		.kind = (ptr != null ? kmkind_heap : kmkind_fail),
		.ref = ptr,
		.shred = false,
	*where = p;
	return kmcond_ok;