libk  Artifact [2a47be36e1]

Artifact 2a47be36e10dc37271822362fd542a0958b0938aaab249a2848d98ed73753d5e:

export OUT = $(PWD)/out

export ARCH = x86
export OS = lin
export BITS = 64
export TMP = $(PWD)/tmp

export TARGET = $(ARCH).$(OS).$(BITS)

export lin-headers = /usr/include/asm
export fbsd-headers = /usr/include/sys

moddirs = $(wildcard k*)
binaries = $(wildcard k*/*.exe.c)
functions = $(wildcard k*/*.fn.c) 
assemblies = $(wildcard k*/*.fn.${TARGET}.s)
binmods = $(sort $(dir $(binaries)))

# i'm sorry
collect = $(strip $(foreach dir,$(moddirs),$(addprefix $(OUT)/$(dir).,$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/$1)))))

cfnsources = $(call collect,*.fn.c)
sfnsources = $(call collect,*.fn.${TARGET}.s)
crtsources = $(call collect,*.rt.c)
srtsources = $(call collect,*.rt.${TARGET}.s)
fnsources = $(cfnsources) $(sfnsources)
rtsources = $(crtsources) $(srtsources)
sources = $(fnsources) $(rtsources)

cfnobjects = $(cfnsources:%.c=%.o)
sfnobjects = $(sfnsources:%.s=%.o)
crtobjects = $(crtsources:%.c=%.o)
srtobjects = $(srtsources:%.s=%.o)
fnobjects = $(cfnobjects) $(sfnobjects)
rtobjects = $(crtobjects) $(srtobjects)
objects = $(fnobjects) $(rtobjects)

header-dir = /usr/include
lib-dir = /usr/lib

posix-oses = lin fbsd dar and hai mgw

ifeq ($(findstring $(OS),$(posix-oses)),$(OS))
export POSIX = yes
export POSIX = no

# include libgcc.a in gcc builds, just in case
ifeq ($(CC),gcc)
export COMPLIB = -lgcc

all: $(OUT) defs obj tool lib.static $(OUT)/boot.o lib.shared
lib.static: defs obj $(OUT)/libk.a
lib.shared: defs obj $(OUT)/
obj: $(moddirs:%=%.obj)
defs: $(moddirs:%=%.def)
tool: $(OUT)/libk.a $(binmods:%=%.tool) 
	rm -rf $(TMP) $(OUT)

install: all
	install -d $(header-dir)/k -o root -g wheel
	install $(OUT)/k/* $(header-dir)/k/ -o root -g wheel -m 0644
	install -d $(lib-dir)/k -o root -g wheel
	install $(OUT)/libk.a $(OUT)/ $(OUT)/boot.o \
		$(lib-dir)/k/ -o root -g wheel -m 0644

uninstall: $(header-dir)/k $(lib-dir)/k
	rm -rf $^

lists = moddirs functions assemblies cfnobjects sfnobjects crtobjects srtobjects rtobjects binaries binmods POSIX
	@echo -e lists: $(foreach var, $(lists), "\\n - \\e[1m$(var)\\e[m = $($(var))")

%.obj: %/makefile ${TARGET}.calls $(OUT)
	cd $* && $(MAKE) obj

%.tool: %/makefile $(OUT)
	cd $* && $(MAKE) tool

%.dbg: %/makefile $(OUT)
	cd $* && $(MAKE) dbg

%.def: %/makefile $(OUT) $(OUT)/k
	cd $* && $(MAKE) def

%.calls: arch/makefile
	cd arch && $(MAKE) $(TMP)/calls.$*.s

$(OUT)/ $(fnobjects) 
	ld -shared $(COMPLIB) -o $@ $^
	@# $(CC) -shared -fPIC -nostdlib $(COMPLIB) -o $@ $(OUT)/*.o

$(OUT)/boot.o: $(rtobjects)
	ld -r $^ -o $(OUT)/boot.o

$(OUT)/libk.a: $(fnobjects) $(rtobjects) obj $(OUT)
	@# using `ar rc` and ranlib here instead of
	@# `ar rcs` in case `ar` isn't the GNU version
	ar rc $@ $(OUT)/*.o
	ranlib $@

$(OUT) $(OUT)/k:
	mkdir -p $@